One of the things that has always caught my attention is the origin of surnames, and writing a post, or recording a podcast, about them is something that has been on my to-do list for a long time.
And just this morning I received a little article with the newsletter of NAT GEO History (National Geographic) in which they solved a doubt that I had been having for some time about surnames in the Roman world. So I decided to investigate the topic a little more, and here is the result.
At first I thought about writing an article, taking the necessary information from all these sources that I leave here, but the truth is that later I did not see it necessary. Each source, article and video has its own, and can be read perfectly separately.
So here I leave you a select selection of articles that will teach you a little more about this fascinating topic: the origin of surnames in different languages in the Western world.
I hope you enjoy it.
A little kiss.
Come and read.
1 The article in question in the NAT GEO Newsletter History: The surname, family pride and historical necessity. It's short, 6 minutes of reading, but it goes a long way.

2 On YouTube, 7'14'' video, What is the origin of surnames?, which is short and gives a lot of information. It's very nice.
3 In the newspaper El Peruano, two articles that will help you find examples of the formation of surnames in other countries and cultures. It is divided into two parts: Origins of surnames (I + II).
https://elperuano.pe/noticia/83615-origenes-de-los-apellidos-I (6 minute read)
https://elperuano.pe/noticia/83839-origenes-de-los-apellidos-ii (another 6 minutes)

4 This is already EXTRA.
The YouTube channel Gens Video Web Channel, is dedicated for the most part to the genealogy and history of surnames. Here we can find, among other things, a playlist of History of Surnames (by chapters), very interesting, with videos between 2 and 10 minutes. Ideal if you don't have much time and you don't like leaving videos half-watched.
We can also see all these chapters compiled in another video, considerably longer (41'48''), HISTORY OF SURNAMES (Full Video), for those who like to see things at once
I still need to find information about the origin of biblical names, another fascinating topic. But that will be in another post.