Hürrem Sultan, also known as Roxelana, very powerful lady and one of the most influential women of the Ottoman Empire. This statuette was given to me this week by a former student, brought expressly from Turkey for me at the end of last year, because he knows about my projects about women in history. It caught me completely by surprise, to be honest. I didn't know how to react. I'm bad at that sort of thing. ????
We never know the imprints we leave on those who cross our path, nor where our steps will lead us, nor the twists and turns of life.
So we have to try to be a decent human being under any circumstances of life, even if sometimes it is almost impossible, even if we don't always succeed.
I am not a teacher by vocation, as those who know me know. Far from it. And I am one of those who let out toads and snakes and f***youverymuch because of what the Corona and the politicking have done to the profession in recent years (mass resignations of teachers, unlimited frustration, etc.).
But these things get to you. If you've managed to make a difference in some of your students' lives for the better at some point, it's been worth it. And it's still worth it.
Thank you, C, for everything. You have taught me so much more than I ever taught you. ????????
And good luck in your new venture!!!! ????????????????????????
Statue of Hürrem Sultan, also known as Roxelana, a very powerful woman and one of the most influential in the Ottoman Empire.
This statuette was given to me this week by a former student, brought expressly from Türkiye. for me at the end of last year, because she knows about my projects on women in history. It caught me completely by surprise, to be honest. I didn't know how to react. I'm bad at those things. ????
We never know the footprints we leave behind on those we meet, nor where our steps will take us, nor the turns life takes.
So we must try to be a decent human being in any circumstance of life, even when it is almost impossible at times, even if we do not always succeed.
I am not a teacher by vocation, as those who know me know, far from it. And I am one of those who spreads gossip and curses for what the Corona virus and politicking have done to the profession in recent years (mass resignations of teachers, unlimited frustration, etc.).
But these things come to you. If you have managed to make a difference in the lives of some of your students for the better at some point, it was worth it. And it continues to be worth it.
Thank you, C, for everything. You have taught me much more than I ever taught you. ????????
And good luck on your new adventure! ????????????????????????