This is our reserved space to accompany the book Noches de Sombras (Nights of Shadows)Here you can find all the images organized by chapters, to complement the reading of the digital book.
Please note that this is a page under construction (WIP). I appreciate your patience as I continue to update it, as well as the links within the book.
I hope you enjoy this visual experience as much as I enjoyed creating it!
1.2.B. Sidhe Fairies: The Soul Stealers of the Otherworld

1.2.C. Púca: The Trickster Who Plays with Fate

1.2.D. The Cailleach: The Old Woman of Winter Who Controls Life and Death

1.2.E. The Dullahan: Headless Horsemen, Heralds of Inevitable Death

1.2.F. Banshees: The Death Lamenters