Who I Am, Where I Come From, Where I'm Going, and Why I want you to get the English Degree you need.

It is what it is ????

The answer to the first three questions is the same: I have no idea, but I plan to have a blast trying to figure out the answers. ????
Regarding the fourth, I will tell you below.

In the video that accompanies this post I tell you a little about why I have embarked on this adventure, I talk to you about the website, the reason for it, the things I like, and also the idea I have for this section, the “Learning English”, and why I do it.

A summary of the video content:

Nowadays you have to know English is claret. But apart from that, right now there is many Spanish universities that require having the B1 or the B2 of English to be able to finish studies. And normally you have to do it externally, that is: you will see how you do it, because in many universities the courses will not be provided to you, but in order for them to give you the title you have to prove a level of foreign language.
I have more than 20 years of experience as a language teacher, both in Spain and Germany, and I have spent many of those years preparing people for specific exams. Like those who require you to give you the title.
During all that time I have met few people who are really reluctant to speak English. If you are interested, you can. The problem for most people is not interest, since it is the university degree that is at stake, but rather that you have to invest time and money to be able to get one of those language certifications.
You have to set the time, obviously, but perhaps B1 or B2 doesn't have to be as expensive as you think. Right now there are a ton of free resources on the Internet that we can use to learn a language, and sometimes that can really be the problem: there are too many resources, and it is very tedious, and it takes a long time to look through until you find exactly what it is that you need. it suits you.
And this is where I come in: my idea is to make a compilation of all the material that you will need to prepare for an exam of the level you need, B1 and/or B2, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference.
How do I plan to do it?
Well, using the thousands of online resources that I have been accumulating over all these years, and leaving them here, all together, so that you have everything at hand and can prepare for the different parts of the exam at your own pace, when you have time and without breaking the bank. And whatever I don't have, I look for it and find it. And what I don't find, I record it, because I'm having a great time playing around with the videos, and you suffer. ????

And the answer to the Fourth Question ????: I do this because the truth is that I want to teach in my language again, and because I believe that the more we learn to speak English, the more possibilities we will have in life. Because as the motto of my favorite writing group says, “a rising tide lifts all boats”. The general improvement has an impact on the benefit of the individual.
Well, and because I love getting into trouble, research is the passion of my life, and I find it a great challenge to try to make as many people as possible achieve that specific goal. That English is not as fierce as you have made it out to be..

I hope you enjoy it. Come and Read. And comment.
A little kiss.

Picture of Angela Cuevas Alcañiz
Angela Cuevas Alcañiz

Stories are everywhere, they surround us. In the end, we all become stories.

4 Responses

  1. Thank you beautiful!!, it's great for me, count on me, let's see if it's true that I finally get the B2, little time, and desire..., I'm scared, but I loved the approach so, let's go for them .A big kiss from Harvard.

    1. Thank you very much for the comment, rebonica!
      Well look, the idea is exactly what I mentioned in the video. I want to take time from wherever I can to be able to organize the material, publish it here, upload the videos that I have to make... Well, you could serve as a guinea pig and tell me what you think of the things, material, videos, etc. Worse than the slaughter, since the idea is to help the group.

      A thousand kisses, sweetheart. And of course, the B2 or whatever you need. If you see that you need something special, let me know ????

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