Problems downloading the book from BookFunnel?

Hello wonderful people! ????

I've been hearing that some of you are having trouble downloading Books & Literature. A Celebration in 300 Bilingual Quotes (EN/ES) through BookFunnel.
Let's fix it. ????

I downloaded the BookFunnel app myself to make sure everything worked smoothly, and frankly, I was surprised at how fast it worked and how intuitive the app is. ???? I followed the step-by-step instructions and in no time at all, the book was downloaded to the app and ready to be devoured. Easy, really!

I also tried sending it to my Kindle using the service 'Send to Kindle' from Amazon, provided by BookFunnel. And again, no problems! The book jumped from my phone screen to my Kindle screen faster than a crow searching for its treasure. ????➡️????
So that part went really well.

Then I also followed the instructions to download the generic ePub version and transfer it to my eReader (a 12-year-old Sony). No problems there either.

The web-reading version: yes. All great.

I understand that technology can sometimes get a little messy. ???? If you are experiencing any setbacks, Do not worry, you are not alone in this literary adventure. Leave me a comment down here on the website, and we'll work it out together. ????

Let no rebellious link come between us and literature ????
Thank you for your patience and for staying on this journey with me! Together, there is no book that can resist us! ????
With love and pages to devour,

Picture of Angela Cuevas Alcañiz
Angela Cuevas Alcañiz

Stories are everywhere, they surround us. In the end, we all become stories.

2 Responses

    1. Hello Manu!
      Thank you very much for the comment. 🙂
      If you click on the link above, where it says “BookFunnel” highlighted, does it also take you to the download page????
      And I just published another entry in which I share a couple of tools to read any digital book that you download, including Books & Literature. A Celebration in 300 Bilingual Appointments (EN/ES).

      I know you are on the mailing list, so today I will send another Newsletter with a direct link to the book, the full bilingual version.
      Anyway, please tell me if following the steps again to download the book from the BookFunnel link still gives you problems.
      A hug, and again, thanks for the interest!

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