Disconnecting to Connect: Towards More Authentic Content
Hello everyone! Have you ever stopped to think about how much of our time and energy social media consumes and how this affects our lives?
Hello everyone! Have you ever stopped to think about how much of our time and energy social media consumes and how this affects our lives?
Our characters live with us, they accompany us. They are friends. ♥ Our characters live with us, they walk with us. They are our friends.
Cool Quotes about Books & Literature is now on Amazon! ????????????
#letters #changes #humanities
The Road So Far is the logbook. In this video I tell you about the #changes that are happening in my life right now, and how this will affect the channel about #letras and #humanidades, and the topics that I will cover.
You have to renew yourself.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change." (Charles Darwin).
Making a coat out of my cape, and since I'm more of a bitch than the ground, instead of working on several posts, I put it all at once in a newsletter and holy Easter...
I have to do this better in the future, I know, but for now... Excuse me.
Don't leave your day job.
Don't quit your day job.
Newsletter for August 2022/2.
Come and Read.
And enjoy
Above all, ENJOY.
This week's newsletter with cool resources to learn English, curiosities about language and history, and minopodcasts to discover new worlds.
Sign up to receive updates and special offers - like my book Books & Literature. A Celebration in 300 Bilingual Quotes (EN/ES).
I only write when I have something to tell you.