The Newsletter has changed its name, now we are Letters & Tea (just like the page Facebook page, Instagram, and I think that in Twitter I have also changed the name on the profile). And why this? Well because why not. I felt like it. We are in a time of change, and this is one of them.
Another decision made, or taken again, is to not get overwhelmed. And so? Because, as I mentioned above, I am in a time of many changes, both personal and professional, and if I get stuck and stressed about having to publish a Newsletter every week, or every two weeks, it becomes counterproductive.
So I have decided that I will send the Newsletters when I have important things to share with you. Neither before nor after. All in due time.

The name of Letters & Tea It doesn't cover everything I want to talk about here, all the topics I would like to touch on, see:
- Languages and languages
- Learning of languages
- Curiosities related to the Humanities
- THEM: women, goddesses, females and feminism
- Health and mental hygiene —This is “new”, so to speak, and it is a section that interests me a lot, since it touches me very closely. On a personal level and because I see more and more need to address mental hygiene issues in the general population. I see it daily in my circle of friends, among my colleagues, and with increasing alarm, among my students. It is brutal how loaded, tired and ready to explode many people are, whether they are aware of it or not.
And I would like to contribute my grain of sand, making the topic visible, sharing resources that I find. If it can help, even in the slightest, someone feel better, I believe we have a moral obligation to do so.
But I wanted to give it a name, and this is one that I liked. Overall, for the people who follow the page it is just a name, they know what the topic is about. ????
So at this point we find ourselves.

If you follow me in any way, you will see that this, more than a trip, is a roller coaster. Direction changes, sometimes completely, sometimes partially. But that's the thing about evolving. I don't know how many times I have already deleted ALL what I had on the page, or on Facebook/Instagram & Cª, because of the insecurities, fears, what they will say, etc.
And now I am recording the changes, the errors, everything. Because it is the best way, for me, to see the evolution followed from the beginning, the behind the scenes of the process.
When we see what other people present, we only see the final product, and this can make us demotivated, because we think that for those people creating content is a snap of the fingers. But we don't see the, sometimes, hundreds of failed attempts behind it. And the reinventions what each of those people has had to go through.
This can lead us to become frustrated, to think that we will never do it this well, to get into mental whirlwinds, which in the end lead us to abandon our projects, our dreams.
That's what I was talking about this week with some students, and those types of conversations with my students have largely been the trigger that motivated me to create a new "mental hygiene" section. I don't know what to call it, but for now it seems like a good name. If anyone has a better idea, please don't hesitate to tell me!
Those are the news in my life and in my projects right now. FYI and such.
I hope everything goes great for you, that you enjoy Sunday, and that it helps you with whatever it is you want to achieve today.

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